Street Fighter was a series of games that focused on classic fighting and featured a wide variety of fighters with different abilities and moves. The game also offered various modes of play, including singleplayer campaigns and online multiplayer matches.
Tekken was a series of games that focused on wrestling and offered a wide variety of fighters with different abilities and moves. The game also offered a variety of gameplay modes, including singleplayer campaigns and online multiplayer matches.
Mortal Kombat was a series of games that focused on brutal fights with bloody and violent elements. The game featured a wide variety of fighters with different abilities and moves, and different gameplay modes, including singleplayer campaigns and online multiplayer matches.
Soulcalibur was a series of games that focused on sword fighting and offered a wide selection of fighters with different swords and abilities. The game also offered a variety of gameplay modes, including singleplayer campaigns and online multiplayer matches.
Marvel vs. Capcom was a series of games that focused on matches between characters from the Marvel and Capcom universes. The game featured a wide variety of fighters with different abilities and moves, and different gameplay modes, including singleplayer campaigns and online multiplayer matches.
Overall, fighting games on the Xbox 360 were popular and offered players a variety of fighting options with different abilities and moves. These games also allowed players to compete against each other in online multiplayer matches and offered a variety of game modes for the most fun. These games also continually sought to innovate their gameplay mechanics and improve their graphics to provide the most authentic and entertaining fighting game experience possible.
In many cases, these games also added various game modes, such as a training mode where players could practice their combat skills, or a special mode where players could take on unusual or extremely powerful opponents. Players could also collect rewards and unlock special abilities and moves for their characters.
Overall, fighting games on the Xbox 360 offered a fun experience for fighting game fans and allowed players to compete against each other in different types of combat. These games also sought to constantly innovate and improve their gameplay mechanics and graphics for the best possible fighting game experience.